E-mail Guidelines
Email Guidelines
Because of a rash of bad actors trying to use staff email addresses for malicious purposes, we are asking parents to please contact their child's school's main office to obtain email addresses for teachers and staff members. Most users can be found by emailing firstinitiallastname @jerichoschools.org.
To contact a specific building's staff or to secure a teacher's contact email, please call one of the numbers below:
Cantiague: (516) 203-3650
Jackson: (516) 203-3640
Ratner Seaman: (516) 203-3630
Middle School: (516) 203-3620
High School: (516) 203-3610
Email is a useful way of contacting teachers, but the medium has limitations. Please observe the following guidelines when emailing teaching staff.
- Teachers are frequently unable to read their email during their teaching day. As a result, email is not useful for same day messages such as requests for assignments for an absent student, changes in transportation plans, etc.
- It may take up to two days to get a response from a teacher.
- Email is an excellent medium for short notes regarding notification of events and other logistics. It is not as good a medium for long descriptive narratives. Please do not expect extensive comments from teachers. These are more properly obtained through the regular channels of telephone calls, parent conferences and report cards.
- Many teachers prefer telephone communication. Please leave a telephone number in your email so that teachers have the option of getting back to you by phone.
- Email is not an official document and so may not be used for absence notes, changes in pickup, playdates, etc.
- Please do not telephone and email about the same issue as this may lead to a confusing situation. Choose whichever medium is most convenient to you.